Thursday 2 January 2014

Write up of bling Ring

These are members of the cast who reenacted the events from the headline story.

From left to right; Katie chang, Taissa Farmiga, Israel Broussard, Claire Julien, Emma Watson.

These are the actual set of people who committed the crimes reenacted.

From left to right; Rachel Lee, Diana Tamayo, Jonathan Ajar, Alexis Neiers, Nick prugo, Courtney Ames, Roy Lopez Jr.

The Bling Ring is a film based on the account of seven teenagers and young adults based in and around California who burglarized the homes of several celebrities for about a year. They stole about $3 million in cash and belongings. Both Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan were victims of the burglaries but in total over fifty homes were reported as being burgled by this group. 

The director Sofia Coppola tried to make the film as close to the real headline story as possible hence the use of cast members who look young. I noticed she was very gender and race specific when picking cast members. For example, for Rachel Lee, Soffia picked Katie chang
to reenact her character as they are both come from an oriental background. Her perfectionist behaviour as a director as well as enthusiasm for the story meant that those who were interested in the original story could tune in and discover what really happened.

I also noticed that there were 7 people involved in the bling ring but only five cast members to represent this. After watching interviews of all the members of the bling ring and finding out their roles, Soffia may have come to the conclusin they weren't all necessary in her film and only decided to pick the key characters.

I particularly learned a lot from Sofia Coppola as in the future I'd also like to become a film director myself. I admire her self driven spirit and confident demeanour. I also look up to her as I'm happy being a female hasn't stopped her from pursuing her dreams especially in this world where men tend to get first place.

According to film websites such as 'IMDb' and 'We couldn't understand your request' they both gave the film a rating of 3 stars. I'd also like to give this film 3 stars for the following reasons:


- The cast were very true to real life
- The director was sure to pay attention to detail
- The locations used were EPIC


- A lot of the scenes were repeated making the film drag unnecessarily
- Some of the characters were very bland (Emma Watsons character)


- That young people aspire to be like celebrities
- That young people are criminals
- That young people are party animals
-That young people drink and consume drugs

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