Thursday 23 January 2014

Reflective Post

So far in media studies I have tried to be more consistent with uploading all my blogs and finishing them in the time given, however I have some post which I must finish which I have left incomplete. I think when I do my blogs I usually add images and gifs throughout the whole and I need to upload more stuff such as embedding prezi's and trying other things new as these are the things which would allow me to have more marks and may boost my grade up.

I am happy with my progress so far as from my last reflective post I only have a few blogs which I need to complete now, I and my group are now working together and we are now focussing on the project which is crucial in what grade we're determined to get at the end of the year, to make sure I do not let me grade slip away too much, I must:

  • Try to improve on my punctuality and come on time to every lesson
  • Finish all my blogs before they all pile up and before I have to much work to do
  • Use the time in lesson efficiently 
I think I am more focused and determined to make sure all my blogs are up to post now.

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