Thursday 9 January 2014

Characters in Donnie Darko Scene

Characters in Donnie Darko Scene

At the begining of the clip there is a slow motion as the boy’s opens the door to get out. This could symbloise it wants us to pay attention to this set of chracater’s  and then the music  gets louder maybe meaning  how much drama will be used in this movie.
There were 4 locations in the opening scene. Most of the characters have their uniforms on so we can’t differenciate between the characters. However, you can still spot the rebel characters and good by the way their uniform is worn, i.e sticking collar up.

This may have been used to show personality of the character.  the 'good looking guy' as he screws the other guy to present his ugly personality to the audience.

The whole clip doesn't have many cuts throught it, this shows that the school day is always constant and thorough and there's always something happening such as lessons and then lunch and eventually it's home time.

However One of the cuts is a fade to white,  when the camera is following the teacher outside. This gives the effect that the school is a very positive place via this shot.

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