Thursday 30 January 2014

Planning final project - (ideas and brief outline of the opening and whole film)

The film begins with Latifa left for dead in an estate. Next there is a flashback of the events which led her to her brutal death. The film follows the life of Latifa and Shaniqua both teenage girls who live in a rough area in London. Both are daughters of  a single parents and are from a working class family. Both have lost their father and mother respectively however their means of dealing with the tradegy is different and the film follows their different decisions and its consequences.

A brief outline of the opening of the film
the establishing shot is of Latifa (sami) laying on the road left for dead after being beaten up by a drug dealing gang. We then get a flash back of the events which led to her brutal death. The shot is of her walking down an estate when three boys confront her in the alleyway. They russle her and walk down the alleyway. The scene changes and we see Shaniqua looking at herself in the mirror and walking down a corridor whilst removing her shirt. She then walks up to a man in a desk and he looks up and grins. We will have various different shots in our opening. It will begin with a wide shot of Latifa laying on the road. And it will change to a mid shot. The scene will then change. We get a flashback of her walking down the alleyway. This will will use the technique of tracking and the shot will be alternating from wide to medium close up and close up. We will then change the scene to introduce shaniqua. It will start with a close up shot of shanquia looking at the mirror and change to mid close up and mid shot. We will then get a wide shot of her walking down the corriodr from behind her and she will then remove her shirt. She will then walk up to the man behind the desk. There will be a cutaway to the money/drugs and then close up of him looking at her and grinning.

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