Sunday 5 January 2014

Representation task

This post will be focused on Teenage stereotypes.


A 'bimbo' is a slang term for an attractive yet unintelligent female. Phrases similar to this are "dumb blonde" and "valley girl". Those that fall into this category are usually white, blonde girls, possibly wearing heavy makeup and revealing clothing.
In teenage movies, this stereotypical character can be identified as someone who is stupid, wears lots of make up and is obsessed with boys and clothes and is blonde. In teen movies, you can easily spot them within a big group of girls that all look the same and are giggling hysterically.


A 'Goth' is someone who likes the darker side of things. They usually listen to death metal and goth music and are seen to be very depressed and suicidal. They wear a lot of black and have a lot of piercings. In a teen film, they aren't the most popular person people in school, in fact if anything they seem to steer clear from the spotlight.


A geek is a person who is regarded as foolish, inept, or clumsy when it comes to social matters but overly enthusiastic and clever when it comes to education and books. They are sometimes referred to as 'nerds'.


A jock is someone who is into a particular form of sport (such as football, basketball and rugby) but is also rude, arrogant, stupid and beats people up. In teen movies, Jocks only date cheerleaders and socialise with other jocks. 


A slut is someone (usually a girl) who is thought to have slept with everyone.  In teen movies they dress over provocatively, seeking attention from anyone and everyone. The key prop which identifies a 'slut' in a teen film is a mini skirt.


A tomboy is a girl who dresses and sometimes behaves the way boys are expected to and is often into more masculine things like "stronger" sports such as football and enjoys talking about things such as cars and computer games. Stereotypically, they tend to wear jeans, baseball caps, and denim vests/jackets.

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