Thursday 9 January 2014

Travelling and Arriving blog task

In the breakfast club there are many modes of transports used to show the different characters arriving.

The Rich Girl 'The Princess' 
This girl arrives in a BMW showing she is of upper class and usually these cars were expensive to afford in the year that the movie was set in. Therefore we can tell from this car that she is from an upper class family.
Her attitude when arriving shows that this school is not worthy of her and that the place of the school itself is not what she expected showing us that she expects better.

The 'NERD'

Arrives in a cheaper car however his mother looks like she is encouraging him to get in to the school and study this shows us that he is from a working hard family.

The 'JOCK'
He arrives in a big car, this reflects on his character showing his family are hard working and courageous and his father gives him words of wisdom maybe reflecting on his upbringings and hard work. The father seems 'masculine'.


The so called rebel arrives on foot showing that he may already be a man and does not need his parents consultation, or any encouraging.

What we may use in our shot by shot making?
In the film that we make we may use a bus, because that's part of our daily routines we may use a car to  make a comparison. 

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