Monday 6 January 2014

Order of titles (time toast)

This activity was easy to gain knowledge from, but hard at the same time. Although you can easily place the titles one after another you also have to add an image, and the image we had to capture from the opening of the film called  'Juno' this was a very good opening to use because as well as stating the name of the people it also gave them the label for example director followed by the name, and it usually used the format the order of titles should be in which was a plus point. The site TimeToast took long to upload the photos of where the order of the titles go and therefore it was time consuming, but overall it was fun to learn where each title goes. As for some I did not know, for example I thought that the director comes before the actors but rather it was the opposite and surprisingly the writer and director of the film come right at the end which I did not know. Other then that the website was good, because it allows us to organize what title comes before another and I will surely be using this maybe even for my personal usage.

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