Thursday 9 January 2014

The Breakfast Club travelling and arriving analysis

The Breakfast Club


'The Brain'

The geek arrives in a faded cheap red car he is obviously from a poor family. The EMC2 license plate is in keeping with his nerd image. He is dropped off by his mother and   sister.


'The Jock'

The jock arrives in a station wagon a real mans car reflecting his character. The OHISTO license plate is in keeping with his jock image.

'The Princess'

She arrives in a BMW a expensive car reflects that she is from a rich family. She is the princess.

'The Criminal'

He is the only one who comes to the school to attend detention on his own without any of his parents accompanying him. This makes him look independent compared to                     the others who attend with one of their parents.

'The Basket case'
She attends with a parent who drops her off and quickly leaves without a word.

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