Thursday 6 March 2014

Rough cut feedback and Changes we have made based on the feedback

After playing our rough copy to our teachers they gave us some advice on how to improve our film opening.

Below is the following advice

  • We need to add sound to the movie
  • Put all of our coverage up
  • Add foley sounds
  • Use more effects
  • Add transitions
  • Get rid of jerky coverage.

  • We added non - diegetic gritty rap song
  • We added diegetic Foley sounds e.g. police siren, steps etc.
  • We also put all shots up in order.
  • We used more effects e.g. fade, dissolve etc.
  • We also made the transition from one shot to the other smooth and seamless.
  • We also cut any jerky footage and improved the shots.
  • We also added all the titles in order.

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