Monday 17 March 2014

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have showed my ability to be able to use differently technologies such as blogger, powtown, prezi etc. For our production and distribution icons a motion system. To edit our film we used final cut pro. And we used the voice recorder app on my phone to record foley sounds of footsteps to put in Sammi's scene. I have found that the technologies that I have used have been very useful as they allow information to be viewed in different ways capturing people's interests. Not only have I used the media tools given to me by my teachers but I have also showed again that I can work indepently by finding other media tools online by myself such as Voki.

  • We used flip cameras to film interviews of both our director and for feedback.
  • We used blogger to showcase all our media work
  • I used logic to create the sound in my film.


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