Wednesday 12 March 2014

Interviewing Antonia on GoAnimate

Sarah interviewing Antonia by Sarah Mohamed on GoAnimate

Antonia being interviewed by Sarah by Sarah Mohamed on GoAnimate

I thought using the anime student characters wearing uniform and in a place that looks like a outdoor canteen and with one of the characters sitting on the table in the first video illustrated us really well as we are teenagers and students. In the second video however the characters are older and I have chosen to use the comedy background to try different backgrounds and practice. The second one however I felt the characters looked to old and mature which could give the interview a serious and solemn vibe. In both backgrounds their was a limited characters I can chose from. There was no black female character to illustrate Antonia and no female wearing a headscarf which could illustrate me. Therefore we had to improvise and chose two female characters that were totally different to us in appearance.

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