Thursday 13 March 2014

Reflective post

I would say that over the course of making our film and blogging I've proved to be a good team worker as well as leader. When we first started off I offered up my home as one of the locations to film in. And even when we felt that my house wasn't the perfect location for our film I phoned up one of my good friends and arranged to film both my scene and his scene at his house. I even persuaded him to miss a day of college to enable us to use his house (Don't worry I took him to nandos afterwards).

I also missed several of my lessons to ensure the editing of our film was as best as it could possibly be and had to sacrifice my lunchtimes and breaktimes too. Overall I'm very pleased with the film. I am also very happy with the progress that I have made. At the beginning of the term I have to admit I didn't take my work very seriously and came into every lesson late. But after parents evening I promised my teacher that I'd arrive on time and stuck to my word. Not only did I edit the entire film by myself but I also filmed the location shots used in our film as well as making the soundtrack behind our film showcasing my versatility and ability to work independently.

I have definitely learnt a lot from this experience. From time to time I found myself doing most of the work and lacking the cooperation of my group members which got me frustrated. However, after initiating a group meeting in the library where I voiced my concerns they started to pull their weight. I've learnt that when working in a group not everyone will be as hardworking and committed as you but you still have to make sure the work gets done or at the end of the day everyone will fail. I've also learnt that in a group your voice may be less likely to be heard so there's no room for shyness. If you have an opinion you have to make sure it is heard and considered by your group members so as to leave your mark on the overall product. Finally my creativity has definitely improved. I am a lot more aware of different types of technology including blogger itself where information can be presented in different ways in order to capture other people's attention. I will definitely be continuing media into the A2 year and plan to carry all the skills I have learnt with me.

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