Monday 2 December 2013

What happens at the start of a film?

21 Jump Street (2012) — Art of the Title

For example, in this movie it shows the leading man of the clip at the beginning, and leading up to the process it shows images mainly of what the film consists of, with background music at the back.

The opening of a a film:
Usually contains a brief idea of what the film will be about, sometimes revealing images of the leading person or even images of the types of setting and the story plot the film will be based on.
Usually includes music, to start of the setting of the movie.
Narrator, sometimes giving a brief quote or starting it off.
Main characters are introduced.
Tittles, and sometimes who the film stars.
Setting and location the film may be based in.
Occasionally contains a flashback which is re-visited in the later stages.
Establishing shots.
Film Identity, 20 Fox logo ETC, showing the big company behind the production of the movie.

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