Monday 9 December 2013

Genre and Sub genre task

What is a teen movie?
A teen movie is a movie which is targeted at teenagers and young adults in which the plot is based upon the special interests of teenagers, such as coming of age, first love, rebellion, and conflict with parents.
A lot of genre's are involved in teen movies some usually contain crime, romance, most time drama, action and many times dance movies are also common in teen movies such as Step Up.
Basically, there is something in the market for everyone, some of the movies will be relatable for the teenage audience and other times some teens may watch it for entertainment and for their leisure.

Most times teen movies attract to the audiences because of the well known stars that are included in the movie, for example Channing Tatum will appeal to many not just girls but also boys as he comes action packed. Emma Watson, Taylor Lautner, Adam Deacon, are also popular stars in teen films.
However sometimes it could be better to use different people in movies as someone new may mean something to someone else. As for a teen, their are many phases they go through so therefore it is best if there's new people so they can relate at the different times.

Along with stars of the film, teen movies use certain stereotypes which are appeal to the audiences even more as they help relate to the teens. Some popular stereotypes are:
  • Rebel/Leader
  • Popular girl/boy
  • 'Geek'
  • Opponents
  • The 'Druggies'
  • Cheerleader
  • Jock

A good example of a movie which uses stereotypes is 'She's The Man' in which the man is the most popular in the movie, and practically falls in love with the girl who plays two characters in the movie, and therefore ends up just being about the two leading people which a story then is created out of. The so called 'nerd' in the movie which is the girl is payed the least attention and made mock out of.

Another factor which is a big aspect in teen movies is the Sub-Genres, these are things such as;
  • Epic adventure films 
  • Girls with guns. (Stereotypical)
  • Lovers on the run
  • Tragedy
  • Gay & Lesbian
  • Vampires
  • Romance
This is because the sub genre determines what the film will be about, the genre is the type of movie it is but the sub genre is what the film will be about and what it is based on, sometimes it could include more then one sub-genre, for example a film such as twilight will include romance as well as vampires and much more. This appeals to a wider teenage audience because it is about more than one type of thing this means that it is not specifically set to a certain teenage audience, the different parts of the movie will be likeable to more then one type of person.

Location is a very important factor which contributes to a teen movie, where it is set usually determines the genre of the movie. A film set normally on the streets and at house parties will automatically link to crime and drama movies which a very good example is Kidulthood, Anuvahood. This gives the audience a feel of what the characters are living in, and sometimes the location it is set is known for the surroundings and it links to teenagers.

Most times the locations are set within the home, for instance the bedroom, the living room, kitchen, bathroom. Some films are set within their school or college in locations such as the classrooms, the hallways, and most times the playground and other areas which they're set are the sports location such as football pitch, basketball court, training areas and finally most teen movies have some sort of 'hang out' location usually the blocks for movies in the genre of crime and drama and sometimes the parks.

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