Monday 9 December 2013

Genre and Conventions

What is a teen movie? 

Teen movie is a movie targeted at teenagers and young adults in which the plot is based upon special topics and themes which appeal to them such as coming of age, romance, rebellion, crime, conflict with parents, bullying.These movies usually feature sex, nudity, drinking and drugs in which teenagers are stereotypically portrayed.These movies also feature popular celebrities to appeal to teenage girls and boys such as Channing Tatum in Step Up, Taylor Lautner in Twilight, Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth in The Hunger Games.

Who watches them?

Teen Movies are mainly watched by teenagers and young adults however there may be the few odd pre- teens and adults who might  find that these films appeal to them. The majority who watch these films are teenagers and young adults because they are aimed at them.

What sub-genre are common?

There are many sub genres found in teen films this is because teenagers find different genres appealing therefore by introducing many different sub- genres to the teen movie more teenagers will find it appealing. The most common are romance, fantasy , musical, adventure, action, comedy, drama and adventure. These sub- genres are found in teen movies mainly because they appeal to teenagers and young adults. Teenage girls find the sub-genres romance, fantasy, musical and comedy appealing however teenage boys find action, adventure, crime and drama appealing therefore by mixing different genres together the movie can appeal to both males and females. Another common sub-genre in teen movies are family and personal relationships this is because teenagers find this genre appealing as they can relate to the film with their own personal experiences with family and personal relationships.

Conventional Themes found in Teen movies

  • Alcohol and drug addiction or experimentation
  • American pop-culture
  • Cliques
  • High school and Prom
  • Social groups
  • Parent/child or Girlfriend/ Boyfriend Relationships


Locations within the home
  • Bedroom
  • Bathroom
  • Living room
  • Kitchen  
Locations within school/college

  • Classrooms
  • Canteen
  • Locker room
Sports locations

  • Park
  • Hall

Hangout locations

  • Park
  • Canteen
  • Living room
Other locations

  • Friends house
  • Bar
  • Car
  • Street

Characters in teen movies

Teen movies mostly feature popular celebrities to appeal to teenage girls and boys such as Channing Tatum in Step Up, Taylor Lautner in Twilight, Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth in The Hunger Games. These stars appeal to teenagers because they are famous and most of their fans are teen girls and boys.

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