Wednesday 26 February 2014

Video Blog about London Bridge

Filming the opening locations in London Bridge

Filming in London Bridge

We went to film in London Bridge, as part of the scenery which we will be using at the beginning of the movie.
It was quite difficult setting up the tripod because usually Sarah does the filming, however she was absent and therefore we decided to use the fig rig. As a result our video clips turned out quite jerky and unfocused.

However, the shots that we took that day proved to be very useful as we decided to take the shots and include them as cut-away shots in our film which helped to boost the variation of the shots we used.

Monday 10 February 2014

Practice final planning

Practice shots of mirror scene 

Antonia - Actor
Sarah - Director and camerawoman
Here I filmed Antonia's mirror scene using a tripod on eye level and slowly panned to the right as she acted; she looked in the mirror and began to check her appearance.
We chose to film Antonia's mirror scene in the school toilets as a practice for our real shots. This is because the toilets include a mirrors and it was the only available location for that scene. However the mirror reflected the background of the cubicles and this presented the location as a high school toilet and therefore it was not appropriate for our scene.


Thursday 6 February 2014

Sunday 2 February 2014

Name for our film

I was in charge of picking the name for our film and choosing the design, size and font. After giving it some thought we came to a group decision that our film name would be called ROAD TO RUIN. This name was chosen as the storyline of our film is about two girls leading different lives, both with dire consequences hence the name ROAD TO RUIN.

Before going on to design the title of our film, I looked for films with a similar british urban theme to them and analysed their titles. All of them had three things in common. Their fonts were big, bold and chunky. Therefore, with this in mind I decided to incorporate this knowledge into our group title. So I went onto and browsed through all the different fonts until I came across the one I chose. Not only was it big, bold and chunky but it had a glass crack design within the font which was relatable to the name itself. I loved the fact that it had this effect on it as it made our film title unique and stand out. After showing the design to my fellow group members, they were very pleased and approved of my design.

Audience Detail (Road to Ruin)

Our movie Road to Ruin is aimed at teens which is what the whole media concept is about. There are many things which would appeal about the film, maybe because it's about the struggle that two girls find themselves in and what brutal events lead up to how they are now. Or simply, because growing up as a teen they'll always be that someone who follows the wrong crowd and many teens have. This would appeal to them, although we may not get every little detail that we have in the amount of time we have, but the flashback we will be showing in our small clip would relate a bit about how a teenage life simply is.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Shot by shot remake - comparing my remake version to the original version (The Breakfast Club)

This is The Breakfast club original shots which I have made using flipagram
This is my remake shots of The Breakfast Club which i have made using flipagram

Research - music and sound for teen openings


I have decided to download music and sound from creative commons because the music is not copyright and therefore I will not be breaching any copyright laws. I am looking for music and sound with a strong bass and some strings to build up the tension as the film opening is set in an urban setting. I have researched four different pieces of music that I have discovered in creative commons and how they would work in my film opening.  I was looking for a grimey, streetish and rap kind of music which would compliment our film opening as our film genre is urban drama and crime these type of music genres would go hand in hand with our opening.